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Cenu Eliota získal Manuel Prause

Cena Eliota uzavřela parkurovou sezonu 2023 v Chuchle Areně Praha. Ze 43 zúčastněných dvojic jich do finále soutěže s překážkami vysokými 145 centimetrů postoupilo díky bezchybnému výkonu v základní části třináct a pět jich zopakovalo čistou jízdu.

Chuchle Arena Prague

The well-known horse racing course was founded in 1906; this traditional sports venue has been recently redesigned as a dynamic multifunctional equestrian sports arena. It is undergoing major modernization and  is becoming an important spot on the Czech show jumping map. The first full show jumping season took place here in 2019.

Show jumping competitions are held in a 100 × 60 meter arena, there are also two warm up arenas of 70 × 35 meters and 60 × 25 meters (white sand surface with geotextile), racers can also use a 2.5 km long sand oval. The complex also offers a riding hall and comfortable stables, accommodation can be booked in the conveniently located hotel within the grandstand.